Speculative Job Applications
We get a lot of applications and we don’t usually need to advertise for crew.
However, we’re always interested to see good work, so please send us your CV/resume.
If you are a modelmaker, please list some of the materials and methods you have used and include some images of your best work.
If you have a showreel or online portfolio, please send us one link to a professional presentation (preferably not a blog or a Facebook page).
If you have submitted a CV in the past or intend to do so in the future we would like to inform you of our privacy policy and how your information will be held by M&S.
We never share or sell your data and promise to keep your details safe and secure.
We only ever keep your details with the intention of contacting you, should the appropriate potential work opportunity arise in the future.
If you change your details or change your mind about us keeping your CV and contact information please email and we are happy to comply within one month of your request.

Creative Skillset
Trainee Finder is a new service to match trainees with companies across the film, TV, animation and games industries in the UK. To apply for a training placement visit